(Redirected from Epin kuman)

Photo by Teppo Soininen © All rights reserved
- BERAU is a plant (reed) which our folks used to weave to make mats. - Maran Tapan (G. Nulun)
- I know berau. We live near them down the hill of Ulung Palang where they thrived in the swampland. So sorry they no longer grow there because of the wet padi cultivation. - Muring Apu
- Another is ‘kerubet’ I tried unsuccessfully plant some couple years ago. This reed used to grow in abundance in Bario Lembaa. Found from PaLemidek to To Arur tulip, Arur Telal, Arur besier, Arur sebayeh. In the one village one product barter economy of the past Lun Lembaa’ specialisation was weaving epin tarub, Pa Terap and PaMada was tuning kuden pots. - Dato Balangalibun
Kelabit - English:
- epin - mat
- ngepin - to cover with a mat
Kelabit - Bahasa Malaysia:
- epin - tikam
- epin sier - ?
- epin lapit - ?
- epin kuman - tikam yang khas pakai waktu makan
- ngepin - ?